Trine Dueholm og Trine Lerche Frøslev

The consulting company TrinTrin

TrinTrin is a consulting company created jointly by Trine Dueholm and Trine Lerche Frøslev.

At TrinTrin, we work for healthy people and companies and possess various skills both within management, fine arts and acquired knowledge of conflict management and organisation psychology.

Humans are in the center of our work, and our mission is the same as our goal for ourselves: To strive towards the happy, healthy and creative human. We work with companies and also private individuals

Trin means step in Danish – and is also short of our names.
We always build up new projects step by step and always in close cooperation with our customers and partners.


Creativity and mental health

Development project in 1,5 year for Hvidovre Homecare at Hvidovre Municipality, Denmark, with the leadergroup and 400 employees.

They worked with creativity, mental health and organizational culture and structure for the benefits of the elder citizens in their care and their own mental health.

Book release in this project: 2 mini-books (1 for managers, 1 for employees) with step by step exercises to use in their daily work life. Focus on many drawings as the typical employee has no higher education.

Parents’ co-creation in a public school

Development project over 1,5 year at the public school Møllevangskolen, Aarhus, Denmark, with 53 teachers and pedagogues. Purpose: Co-creation with the parents through creative tools. The parents get opportunity to take responsibility of the cooperation. Many parents with multi-cultural backgrounds and refugees with minimum knowledge of Danish. Many quiet parentes who didn’t participate actively.

We developed 15 tools with step by step guides to use in the meetings between parents and teachers.

Management, leadership and creativity at farms

Development project over 1,5 year with 15 leaders in 3 pig farms in Denmark supported by a fund with 100.000 euro. Purpose: More security, courage and mental health especially for men in a highly efficient field through creative methods and tools.

We developed 15 tools with step by step guides for the leaders to use in the company. The project is still ongoing an finishes in march 2023.

Cultural policy making
At the cultural department in Rødovre Municipality, we worked for almost 2 years developing a new cutural policy.
TrinTrin was facilitating more than 15 workshops and debates within the community, always applying elements of arts, music and creativity to make the participants think in new ways and connecting policy makers with different groups of citizens, businesses and cultural institutions.

Graphic facilitation


We love to use drawing for communication.
We use graphic facilitation and create the graphics in real time to lead people toward a topic or a goal in meetings, workshops, seminars and conferences.

We also offer graphic recording – a drawing with headlines and symbols that sums up your presentation or meeting.

Do you also want to communicate in other ways than with words only? Let us teach you and your colleagues graphic facilitation and use it for invitations, programmes, agendas, sum up a.s.o.

Collaboration abroad

We are always interested in meeting new partners and would like to “translate” and develop our projects and ideas into an European or international context.

We build bridges between the business sector and the arts sector as we believe both sectors can learn from one another. In our projects we aim to include participation of artists and we always work in collaborate ways – so all the brains in the room contribute to solutions.

We use design thinking as a method and tailor make our projects to fit the actual participants and the specific challenges and situation.

Trine Dueholm

Academy Profession Degree in Leadership and management, Master of Fine Arts (MA), illustrator, artist and creativity mentor. 19 years as marketing and communication officer, webmaster and social media manager at the Danish National Opera (Den Jyske Opera). 

Trine Lerche Frøslev

Master of Public Administration (MPA), Master of Music Conducting. 20 years as a leader of e.g. music and cultural schools, cultural and political consultant.

Kreativitetsmentor Trine Dueholm

Trine Dueholm
Tlf.: +45 25 37 10 10

Kontakt TrinTrin

Ledelseskonsulent Trine Lerche Frøslev

Trine Lerche Frøslev
Tlf.: +45 81 35 30 36